The World is Changing...

Here's what you need to know.

The Weekly đź“° HUBdate đź“°

Hey hey, happy Wednesday!

I hope your week has been as invigorating as this double espresso sitting next to me… Hey, we all pick our poisons, and I know it’s only 3pm as I’m writing this, but I’m tiiiiired.

Speaking of which, what's been your go-to self-care ritual so far? Are you the yoga at dawn type or more of a midnight-snack connoisseur?

I feel like I’ve seen so many posts on social media about the do’s and do-not’s of “self-care in 2024”- and honestly, I’m here to remind you to do what works best for you! (and drop it in the comments, because I want to hear it)

We all need that little something to keep our spirits high and our minds sharp. And speaking of sharp, I've got some pretty interesting things to talk about this week.

One more sip… and we’re off!

Halo: An Uber-Cool Way to Advertise

No, I’m not talking about the video game.

This is a company who has absolutely revolutionised the marketing game- no for real.

Founded in 2018 by Kenan Saleh along with co-founders Faizan Bhatty and Ryanne Fadel, Halo Cars turned everyday cabs into mobile billboards.

It’s like Times Square, but on wheels!

In the fast-paced startup world, Halo Cars was a standout. Within a mere 10 months, it caught the eye of Lyft, leading to an acquisition that spoke volumes about its impact. This acquisition was part of Lyft's strategy to diversify and increase revenue streams, particularly in light of the financial challenges faced by ridesharing companies.

But what's the real story here? It's about numbers and efficiency.

Halo Cars escalated from onboarding 10 drivers a day to hundreds, post-automation. That's not just growth; that's exponential scaling. Full-time, highly rated drivers participating in Halo's program could earn up to $400 per month by carrying digital, video-capable ad installations on their vehicles.

In terms of marketing impact, Halo represents a shift towards more innovative and integrated advertising models, particularly in the ride-hailing industry. Their approach showcases the potential for digital advertising in public spaces, transforming mundane commutes into engaging experiences for consumers. For brands and marketers, this is a beacon highlighting the importance of adaptability and innovation in reaching modern consumers.

This story is more than just about ads on wheels; it's about thinking outside the box, or in this case, outside the cab.

LinkedIn Playing Cupid

When this headliner piece of news popped up on my screen, I was like “Wait. Are people actually doing that?”

Gen Z, you’re always ahead of the curve... But I don’t know if this one’s a slay.

Who knew job hunting could lead to... well, more personal engagements?

Let's take a step back and look at LinkedIn's journey.

Launched in 2002, amidst the skepticism following the dot-com bubble burst, LinkedIn positioned itself distinctly from the social network crowd. It was not about being cool or socializing; it was about professional networking and development.

Fast forward to today, LinkedIn is a powerhouse in the professional world with over 700 million users. It has evolved from a mere resume dump to a dynamic platform where professionals build their brands, network, and, apparently for Gen Z, find dates.

They've turned LinkedIn into their little black book of dating. Think of it as swiping right, but with more emphasis on CVs than selfies.

MBA? Swipe right. Fluent in Excel? Super like!

Now, why LinkedIn, you might ask?

It seems Gen Z is seeking a different kind of connection – one that’s perhaps more LinkedIn than Tinder. They're filtering potential matches not just by looks or witty bios, but by degrees, job titles, and industry experience.

Ok, I’ve got to admit- that’s pretty smart.

So, if you're looking for a partner with a 401(k) and a solid business plan, LinkedIn might just be your unexpected cupid.

But let’s not forget, LinkedIn isn't your typical dating scene. It's more networking with a hint of flirtation, less 'Netflix and chill' and more 'mergers and acquisitions'.

Starting a conversation with "I noticed we're both passionate about disruptive technologies" might just be the new "Come here often?"

But, it's not all about swiping right between the resume lines. As boundary expert Michelle Elman notes, it's crucial to maintain professionalism.

Start with networking and see where it leads – but remember, it's still a business site, not a candlelit dinner venue. It's about navigating the fine line between a potential career boost and a date, without turning your LinkedIn into a cheesy pick-up bar.

Spotlight On…

What do you get when you cross the kid from Taare Zameen Par and Rahul Subramanian?

Shiv. You get Shiv. And you’ve been killing the content game lately!

Shiv, your unique talent for crafting content that strikes a perfect balance between creativity and humor- and it's been a game-changer for our team.

But your impact goes beyond your content creation skills. You bring a contagious positive energy to the team, brightening even the toughest workdays with your quick wit and ✨ uplifting spirit ✨

We're excited to see what more you have in store for us! Keep doing what you’re doing 🚀

HUB Weekly Highlights 🔦

Tanishaa Bhansali’s Visit to The Hub Studios!

Say Hello to Ananya Mohan, our newest intern!

Stress-Busting Sessions with the Team and Sasha

As Vincent Van Gogh once said, 'What is done in love is done well.’

With this thought, we bid farewell to this week's journey of stories and discoveries.

Keep spreading love and light, and remember, you are extraordinary just the way you are.

Until our paths cross again in next week's edition, sending you lots of love and creative vibes,