Hello, 2024!

What's on your wishlist this year?

The Weekly 📰 HUBdate 📰

We promised to bring back personalization in these newsletters, and I'm here to deliver.

I'd start off by asking about your New Year's resolutions, but why do we need to 'resolve' anything?

Today is Mind-Body Wellness Day, and I want you to know that it's okay even if you've been in bed for the last three days. Recovery is a process! ðŸ˜‰

(But seriously, get up). Forget about ‘resolving’ and start evolving!

And can we talk about the echo in the gyms this year? Did everyone collectively decide that 2024 was a year of relaxation- because I didn’t get the memo.

2024 is a big break- and I’m not talking the self-care kind.

So, before we get too cozy in our contemplative corners, let's leap into the latest trends that are shaping our creative universe this year!

The Creative Space in 2024: What's Buzzing?

AI and Automation: The global artificial intelligence market was valued at $136.55 billion in 2022 and is projected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 37.3% from 2023 to 2030, reaching $1,811.8 billion. AI's potential to contribute to the global economy is immense, with an expected contribution of $15.7 trillion by 2030.

In the creator space, this translates to more sophisticated tools for content creation, ad targeting, and personalization, allowing for more nuanced and engaging content.

So, if you thought your AI assistant was smart now, just wait until it starts giving you fashion advice!

Voice Search Optimization: With the rise of smart speakers and voice-activated devices, optimizing for voice search is becoming increasingly crucial.

By 2024, the percentage of households expected to own a smart speaker is projected to rise significantly. Creators are adapting their strategies to include conversational keywords and FAQs to align with the way people speak, making their content more accessible and discoverable through voice search.

Soon, you might find yourself having heart-to-hearts with your smart speaker – just don't expect it to laugh at your jokes…yet.

Rounded Design Elements: A trend towards soft, rounded feet on furniture and other design elements reflects a desire for comfort and approachability in our spaces.

This design choice is part of a larger trend towards "soft geometry" in the design world, where harsh lines are replaced with curves and organic shapes.

It's like our furniture is getting a friendly makeover, so don't be surprised if your coffee table starts giving off a more approachable vibe!

In a nutshell, 2024 is all about smarter strategies, continuous innovation, and a touch of unexpected flair.

Spotlight On…

So, I went around asking everyone who they think has been killing it this week… and the polls are in.

The odds are ever in your favour, Agil!

Your dedication and creativity are what make this team extraordinary. 4 years of absolute innovation and excellence- you’re a driving force behind our success at The Hub- by walking in and completely transforming our understanding of the world through the camera.

And who can forget about your attention to detail? Keep killing it!

HUB Weekly Highlights 🔦

The Phooling Around Team went on a hunt for Santa Clause last week. Did you get a chance to see if we found him or not?

Welcoming the newest member of our team, Mashed Potato!

By the way, have you noticed anything different in our creative? We've got a cute surprise in store for you! Keep an eye out, and let us know what you think.

Here's to a year of breaking molds, setting trends, and creating like never before!

Until next week, keep pushing boundaries and igniting imaginations- Signing off!