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Dive into Our Latest Edition: Unveiling Surprises and Innovations in the World of Celebrities, Mental Health, and Groundbreaking Startups 🚀

From Celebrity Shocks to Mental Health Breakthroughs: Your Insider Peek into Today's Trending Stories

The Weekly 📰 HUBdate 📰

Gender reversals? 🤔

Creators, creators everywhere 😮💨

How are you feeling?

Some fresh perspectives come up as you scroll down 👇🏻

GQ's 'Man' of the Year is... a Woman?

2023 serves us a curveball with Kim Kardashian being crowned GQ's "Man of the Year," rebranded as "Tycoon of the Year" in her honor.

It's a paradox wrapped in a riddle: Empowering? Absolutely - a woman taking the title is a progressive leap.

Confusing? A bit.

Last we checked, 'Man of the Year' implied a different gender.

Kardashian's business prowess, especially her shapewear empire's foray into men's fashion, underpins this choice.

Let's talk reactions: Social media's a battleground – some applauding the gender-bending honor, others scratching their heads in bemusement.

It's like she's wearing the emperor's new clothes, and the crowd can't decide if it's fashion-forward or just forward.

But, it leaves us pondering: When it comes to breaking stereotypes, is this a step forward or just a sidestep?

What's your take?

Thriving or Just Surviving in 2023?

As 2023 rolls out the red carpet, the creator economy stumbles a bit at the entrance.

Picture this: a $100 billion industry facing the music of economic blues. It's like showing up to a gala in glittering attire, only to find the buffet's been downsized.

But don't write the obituary yet; creators are nothing if not resourceful. With a swiss-army knife approach, they're diversifying income streams and embracing community like never before.

And let's talk about generative AI - it's like the new cool kid in school, helping creators speak any language without sounding like a lost tourist.

Short-form video is the new black, and nano-influencers, our hometown heroes, are outshining the influencers who once seemed as distant as movie stars.

It's survival of the fittest, and in this economy, creativity is the strongest muscle.

How Are You, Really?

iDare's recent mental health campaign paints the town, not red, but purple.

Shocking, but true: the World Health Organization estimates that by the end of 2023, about 20% of Indians will suffer from mental diseases, yet the country is severely under-resourced with mental health professionals.

Their posters, scattered across the cityscape, pose a simple yet profound question: "How are you, really?"

In a country where mental health often takes a backseat, this bold campaign puts it front and center, challenging us to confront a topic we often sweep under the rug.

It's like that awkward moment when someone asks how you are, and you almost say "Terrible, thanks for asking!" but stick with "Fine, thanks."

iDare brings this unspoken dialogue into the open, making us wonder if we're really okay.

So, how are you, really?

HUB Weekly Highlights 🔦

Christmas Prep has officially started at The Hub 🎅

The team gearing up for a weekend of content crazy, stay tuned 👀

Our head of PR, Nida completes two years at The Hub

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Kreo is dedicated to empowering creators to create top-tier content. They have a wide range of products in gaming, audio, photography and videography. Your one-stop destination for creativity and innovation.

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